When you walk away from your pipelines, you count on your pipe supports to provide them with the help they need to endure stress and shock. Failure can lead to significant safety hazards, costly repairs, and operational downtime. Fortunately, you can avoid such issues by learning about five common causes of pipe support failures.

Rust Accumulation

One of the leading causes of pipe support failures is rust, which can develop when metal supports experience exposure to moisture over time. This makes them weak and less capable of bearing the load of the pipes they hold. Regular inspections and maintenance, including applying anti-corrosion coatings and rust-resistant materials, can mitigate this problem.

Poor Spacing

Improper spacing is another common cause of pipe support failure. If you install supports too far apart, the pipes can bow between them, leading to undue stress and potential fractures.

Engineers should review standards for spacing based on the pipe and its contents to avert shutdowns that bring operations to a halt.

Use of Supports That Damage the Pipe

In some cases, the supports themselves can cause damage to the pipes. If you don’t install the support correctly, it can lead to points of high stress or abrasion. To avoid this issue, correctly align the supports to prevent damage. By doing it right, you’ll save yourself extra time and labor.

The Support Can’t Hold the Weight

Every support has a weight limit, and exceeding it can cause the support to fail and the pipe to collapse. This issue often arises when weight accumulates over time. Engineers must account for all potential loads when selecting and installing pipe supports to prevent overload.

Buffers That Lead to Rust

Engineers often use buffers to cushion pipes and prevent direct contact with supports. However, if these buffers absorb moisture, they can accelerate the rusting process of the pipe and support. Avoid materials prone to absorbing moisture, such as rubber. Instead, use moisture-resistant materials for buffers, and regularly inspect them for signs of wear and moisture buildup.

Triad Bellows can help clients avoid these issues with its custom-made pipe guides. Our employees will create guides that you can install with zero difficulty and keep your pipe’s movements under control.