When temperatures and vibrations travel through expansion joints, they rely on metal bellows to absorb them. However, various factors can affect how well they function in these situations. Read on to learn the five things that affect metal bellows’ performance so that you can make better decisions when purchasing and utilizing your expansion joints.

The Bellows’ Material

One factor that can impact the bellows’ performance is their material. For example, if you buy a stainless steel expansion joint from a manufacturer, you can count on the bellows to be durable and resist corrosion. It is critical to consider the material your provider uses before you make your final purchase.

The Manufacturer’s Practices

Other factors that affect metal bellows’ performance include the methods the manufacturer used to build them. You don’t want to buy an expansion joint that wasn’t built according to industry standards. Otherwise, you’ll have a greater chance of bellows failing when you need them the most.

Instead, buy one from a manufacturer that follows rules set by an industry organization, like the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association. You can feel more certain that the bellows can endure repeated cycles, as opposed to a product you must replace soon.

The Work Environment

The environment where you install an expansion joint can also affect the lifespan of metal bellows. For example, if the metal bellows experience exposure to corrosive chemicals and lack the right material to endure these conditions, it can suffer structural damage. This requires you to select bellows with superior chemical resistance to avoid premature failure.


The pressure that metal bellows experience over time can affect their operational efficiency and lifespan. Overloading the bellows beyond their pressure rating can lead to premature failure. Keeping the pressure within the specified limits will extend the bellows’ service life while enhancing system reliability.


Vibrations can also pose a risk to metal bellows. If the bellows undergo more vibrations than intended, it may cause material fatigue or cracking. By making sure the vibrations don’t exceed the limits of the bellows, you can minimize these impacts.

Triad Bellows specializes in manufacturing custom stainless-steel bellows that will perform strongly in our clients’ operations. We are ready to work with you to create bellows that will resolve the problems in your pipelines.