Multiple sectors use expansion joints to create an easy flow of fluids and gases. Have you ever wondered about the internal liners within these components and how they help the joints do their jobs? Read on to learn about the benefits of internal liners in expansion joints and how they help joints work properly.

Internal Liners Reduce Vibrations

First, we’ll explain what internal liners are. Manufacturers will add layers inside expansion joints to guide the flow and protect the joint. The liners reduce the intensity of the vibrations the joints endure. When gases or liquids move through the bellows at high speeds, they can cause damaging vibrations. With the help of the liners, you can reduce the rate of damage. The liners will also improve the flow through the bellows so the pipes keep running smoothly.

They Can Prevent Erosion

Another benefit of internal liners in expansion joints is that they reduce erosion. If particularly abrasive materials are flowing through your pipelines, they can damage the pipes and wreak havoc on the bellows. The liners can provide a protective barrier between the abrasive particles and the bellows, preventing damage. Then, the bellows can perform as needed.

They Can Extend a Joint’s Lifespan

Internal liners can also extend the life of your expansion joints. The aforementioned advantages combine to ensure your joints last longer and reduce the need for expansion joint maintenance. This allows your facility to be more efficient, so your employees won’t have to waste time dealing with joint failure. In addition, it reduces the costs of maintenance and replacement parts, allowing you to establish a more sustainable system.

Triad Bellows is a manufacturer and supplier of high-quality expansion joints with internal liners. Our products have high-cycle lives, allowing your pipeline systems to function smoothly for a long time.