Exhaust Bellows Vs Flex Hose: Single-Ply Versus Multi-Ply
Exhaust bellows typically come in either single-ply (single expansion joints) or multi-ply bellows. They are used to isolate engine vibration and absorb thermal expansion in the piping at the same time. While these products seem similar, they are actually quite different. Here is a basic breakdown of exhaust bellows vs flex hose and breaking down exhaust bellows into single-ply and multi-ply bellows. Multi-Ply Construction Multi-ply bellows, with their tall convolutions, [...]
Metal Versus Rubber Expansion Joints and What They Are Used For
An expansion joint can help relieve stress in piping systems. It also prevents flange gaskets from being crushed. These expansion joints can be made of metal or rubber. Which one is better? Rubber expansion joings Rubber expansion joints are flexible connectors made of either natural or synthetic elastomers and fabric. If necessary, internal metallic reinforcements are used to provide stress relief in the piping systems due to thermal movements and [...]
4 Signs Your Exhaust Flex Pipe Is Leaking or Breaking Down
A flex pipe is a kind of metal bellows. It’s a flexible piece of pipe that creates some flexibility within the generator exhaust system. It basically acts as an exhaust pipe connector. They are typically made out of forged or stainless steel. What are the signs of a flex pipe exhaust leak? What are the signs of a flex pipe exhaust leak? It's not always easy to notice a [...]
A Basic Glossary of Important Terms for Bellows
Bellows are used for many industrial applications like power generation, marine life, oil and gas, and more. They are incredibly flexible, yet can withstand high pressures and temperatures. Whether you need metal bellows, stainless steel bellows, standard bellows, or even custom bellows, these tools are extremely versatile. Here are some important terms you need to know about them. Abrasion: The external damage caused by its being rubbed on a foreign [...]
Everything You Need to Know About Bellows and Boats
Metal bellows and expansion joints have many applications for the exhaust industry specifically, especially when it comes to ships and marine environments. What can bellows be made of? What can bellows be made of? Well, metal bellows specifically can be made of a variety of metal alloys, including brass, bronze, nickel, Monel, beryllium copper, and stainless steel. When it comes to marine environments, stainless steel is usually the best [...]
The Important Role Stainless Steel Expansion Joints Play In a Bridge’s Function
Stainless steel expansion joints are a type of metal bellows that are often used in construction projects to help relieve the stress that regular movement places on building materials. When pieces of a building or structure move, metal expansion joints ensure that the materials are not compromised. These high pressure expansion joints reduce movement stress caused by things like seismic events, live or static load deflection, thermal expansion and contraction [...]
Understanding the Manufacturing Methods for Metal Bellows
When it comes to making metal bellows, you have to determine manufacturing methods before you can start talking about performance. Here are some of the basic manufacturing methods when it comes to steps for metal bellows manufacturing in the way they are formed or welded. Seamless hydroformed bellows As the name suggests, seamless metal bellows don't have any welded joints. They are instead produced in a multi-step, deep-drawing process that [...]
The Breakdown on Hydrostatic Testing and Its Applications
In industries where precision and performance are highly regulated and monitored to ensure efficient production, the smallest variables are taken into account. Some of these industries include marine, oil and natural gas, solar power, manufacturing and processing, and even engine and generator. These industries rely on the performance of all parts, down to the stainless exhaust flex joint. In order to test the quality of parts, specifically components like [...]